Monday, September 17, 2018

New publications

Peer reviewed

"PC proxy: A method for dynamical tracer reconstruction," Environmental Fluid Mechanics, doi:10.1007/s10652-018-9615-7.

"Accelerating kernel classifiers through borders mapping," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, doi:10.1007/s11554-018-0769-9.

Pre-prints/under review

"Solving for multi-class using orthogonal coding matrices," arXiv: 1801.09055.

"Solving for multi-class: a survey and synthesis," arXiv: 1809.05929.

A full list of my publications can be found on Google scholar. Note that the peer-reviewed versions of the first two papers differ from the pre-print submissions. In particular that of the second paper is significantly different from the final, published version. A one year embargo prevents me from making the published versions public, however.

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